AIM: MMoRgiE34 E-mail: Webmaster |
Objective: - To gain a job in the computer related field dealing with graphic or web design
Education: Preble High School | Graduated 1999 w/ 3.0 GPA | St. Norbert College | 1999-2000 (computer science major) | NWTC | 2000-2002 (graphic design degree & web certificate) | Experience: - Office Max #0721 1997-Current
- Trained as Electronics,Sales,Copyman, and Furnitue Associate
- Sold computer related products
- Trained new associates
- Green Bay Park and Rec 1997- Current
- Umpire during summer for Babe Ruth Baseball
Skills: - I have been around computers for the past five years mainly using the Windows operating system. In the past two years I have also been trained to use the Macintosh operating system. I have built and repaired numerous computers and setup networks involving computer to computer network and also connecting broadband internet to a computer network. I am familiar with software packages like Adobe Photoshop 5.0-6.0, Adobe Illustrator 7.0-9.0, Quark Express 4.0, Adobe Acrobat 4.0, Microsoft Office 97-XP, AutoCad release10-14, Adobe GoLive 4.0-5.0, and Macromedia Dreamweaver 2.0-3.0
- The Windows operating systems I have used are Win95, Win98, WinMe, Win2000, and WinXP. The Macintosh operating systems I have used are 8.6, 9.0, and 10.1